Welcome to Dripping in Animation Discovery Studio , where we dive into the transformative power of creativity with Briaca Duesette, the visionary founder behind Animation Discovery Studio Hub. Join us as special guest host Do...
Welcome to Dripping in Animation Discovery Studio, where we dive into the transformative power of creativity with Briaca Duesette, the visionary founder behind Animation Discovery Studio Hub. Join us as special guest host Dominic Lawson from Black is America delves into Briaca's inspiring journey from adversity to empowerment, and how she's reshaping opportunities for Detroit's youth through animation education. Tune in as we explore the intersection of art, community, and empowerment in this dynamic episode.
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Briaca Duesette Social Media
Website: www.animationdiscoverystudio.com/
Instagram: @animation.discovery.studio
YouTube: http://bit.ly/3UkuQpH
Dominic Lawson Social Media
Website: www.blackisamericapodcast.com/
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/blackisamerica
Instagram: @BlackIsAmericaPodcast/
LinkedIn: dominiclawson/
Dripping in Black Social Media.
Website: https://www.drippinginblack.com/
YouTube: @DrippinginBlack
Facebook: @dibk20
Instagram: @dibk20
X (Twitter): @dibk20
DiBk Drip Shop. www.dibkdripshop.com
Founder - Animation Discovery Studio Hub
At the forefront of Animation Discovery Studio Hub is Briaca Duesette, a visionary leader committed to reshaping creative opportunities for Detroit's youth. Weaving personal experiences with an unyielding determination, Briaca, having faced the challenges of poverty in Detroit, intimately understands the transformative power of creative outlets. Now, as a mother raising two daughters, she is unwavering in her quest to ensure that every child has access to the imaginative spaces that fuel personal growth and authenticity.
What commenced as a journey targeting parents of children underwent a transformative shift through over 100 interviews, revealing a customer base pivot to local nonprofits and corporations. Animation Discovery Studio Hub is poised to be a catalyst for change by actively partnering with corporations, transforming their spaces into vibrant venues for teaching animation skills to children aged 7-18. These collaborations extend far beyond traditional boundaries, offering workshops, art spaces, and technical skill development. In a groundbreaking move, by partnering with corporations, Briaca is creating a much needed pipeline of future interns and employees skilled in animation. Her vision stretches beyond the studio walls, aiming to establish a dynamic ecosystem where corporations actively participate in nurturing the next generation of creative minds. Animation Discovery Studio Hub isn't just an outlet for creativity; it's a strategic solution to Detroit's creative deficit and a beacon for positive change resonating globally.