Robert McTyre

Robert McTyre Profile Photo

Set Lighting Technician

Robert McTyre have ten years in the media industry specializing in documentary, drama and commercials, internet viral production and VR with a broad range of interchangeable skills suitable for TV/Film and documentary production. Robert have two bachelors degrees specializing in Media Arts and Film Studies. He is a visual artist who loves turning gritty urban landscapes into beautiful gorgeous images. Mr. McTyre is from Detroit, Michigan a city that has groomed him into a tenacious hard worker and believer that anything is possible through careful planning and dedication.

Oct. 18, 2022

Dripping in Hollywood Lights featuring Robert McTyre

On this episode of the Dripping in Black Podcast, we are Dripping in Hollywood Lights with Set Lighting Technician Robert McTyre. We chat with Mr. McTyre about his unique career of working behind-the-scenes on movie sets, inc...
Guest: Robert McTyre