Tamika Christy

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Tamika Christy’s journey as a writer began in her early years, as she poured her thoughts into journals and crafted captivating short stories. Despite pursuing a legal career after college, she never let go of her dream, eventually publishing her first novel, Anytime Soon, in 2013. Her newly released novel Roux is an inter-generational tale set in southern Louisiana. Going beyond mere storytelling, she fearlessly tackles real-life issues such as addiction, divorce, mental illness, self-awareness, and spirituality. Her novels provide a captivating blend of laughter, the power of forgiveness, the importance of self-care, and the transformative nature of redemption.

April 23, 2024

Dripping in Writing to Well-being featuring Tamika Christy

In this special episode of Dripping in Writing to Well-being, we delve into the transformative power of literature with acclaimed author Tamika Christy. Hosted by Dominic Lawson, the esteemed multi-award winner of the Black i...