Welcome to Dripping in Animation Discovery Studio, where we dive into the transformative power of creativity with Briaca Duesette, the visionary founder behind Animation Discovery Studio Hub. Join us as special guest host Dominic Lawson from Black is America delves into Briaca's inspiring journey from adversity to empowerment, and how she's reshaping opportunities for Detroit's youth through animation education. Tune in as we explore the intersection of art, community, and empowerment in this dynamic episode.
The Dripping in Black Podcast, the unrivaled platform for showcasing and celebrating Black Excellence, is available for our audio listeners on the most popular podcast platforms and it can be viewed on Facebook Watch as well as the Dripping in Black (DiBk) Productions Channel on YouTube. Remember to subscribe to the Dripping in Black (DiBk) Productions Channel on YouTube for notifications, and to follow, like, comment, and share with family, friends, loved ones, and everyone else. Spotify listeners remember to give the Dripping in Black Podcast a five star rating. We truly appreciate your support in our intentional, enjoyable, and necessary celebration of Black Excellence.

Briaca Duesette Social Media
Website: https://www.animationdiscoverystudio.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/animation.discovery.studio
YouTube: http://bit.ly/3UkuQpH

Dominic Lawson Social Media
Website: www.blackisamericapodcast.com/
X (Twitter): https://twitter.com/blackisamerica
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/BlackIsAmericaPodcast/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dominiclawson/

Dripping in Black Social Media.
Website: https://www.drippinginblack.com/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@DrippinginBlack
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/dibk20
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dibk20
Twitter: https://www.twitter.com/dibk20
DiBk Drip Shop. https://dibkdripshop.com

#animationdiscoverystudio #blacktechsaturday #blacktechsaturdaysdetroit #briacaduesette